Hey Peeps,
How was your weekend? We are in a thaw!! Minnesota’s winter is melting. I took my son to a store today and we could see the parking spot lines and man, the cars in the lot were nowhere near where the actual parking spot lines. It was quite humorous.😁
Let’s continue our study on activity management. Out topic today I call
DEEP Work🚧
DEEP Work is a practice that helps you cultivate focus and uncover insights so that you can do your best work.
Our best work is done in 2-4 hour uninterrupted periods, called periods of Deep Work. Major breakthroughs in understanding or insight often come after 90 minutes or so.
Our attention ‘resets’ every time we get distracted or take outside input. Outside input includes checking email, messages, social media or watching videos. Activities like exercise, taking walks and water breaks are fine.
To achieve anything great, we must create an environment where we can habitually do Deep Work and avoid distractions.
So decide✅ right now when your DEEP work time will be for this week.🗓
Commit to these times. Write them in your schedule. Keep a journal of the progress you make after using Deep Work segments of time.
Wisdom Quote
“To learn requires intense concentration.”
Click here on my linktree to connect to each platform https://linktr.ee/Purposewithpamela
As always, Thank You for reading 👀 and for sharing❤
Happy March!
Don’t forget to Spring Ahead this weekend (daylight savings time)
Thanking Heaven For You ,🙏
2022 The Year For YOU,💫
Dr. Pamela Henkel 🌹