Hey Peeps,

How was your weekend?Our weekend was cold but by Wednesday we will be in the mid 50s! My kids are super excited to pull out their shorts (oiy) 

Today, continuing our mini series, let’s talk about …


Energy Management ⚡

We all have limited energy and time in a day. How we use our time and our state of mind (thoughts) determines the  effectiveness of our work. 

Action & Inaction 🚦

To grow and perform optimally, we need periods of action and inaction – periods of stress and recovery. 

Stress is an activity that pushes us to our limits and tests us mentally, physically and emotionally. This could be working our job, running our company, Overseeing our household or navigating the demands of being a student. 


Recovery is also an activity. One that rejuvenates and renews us. It balances the impact of stress and allows us to use stress to grow us rather than to decline us.


We must make time for recovery in our daily routine, otherwise ‘burn out’ or being overwhelmed is inevitable. Once that happens our headspace goes into survival mode. There is no peace or personal growth in this state. 😫

In order to stay out of survival mode try to pair a period of stress with a period of recovery. Work as hard as you can. But ensure that you’re taking breaks to truly refresh your focus and energy, for both your mind and body.😇🙏

Work Hard.  

Rest Hard

Wisdom Quote 

There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.

As always, Thank You for reading 

 👀 and for sharing❤

Keep Watching-  https://linktr.ee/Purposewithpamela


Could I pray for you?  Email me at hello@purposewithpamela.com


📣Last Call For Authors(please add image for I2S book anthology and link for info )


Happy March… Keep Marching❣️ 


Thanking Heaven For You ,

2022 The Year For YOU!


Dr. Pamela