Hey Peeps,


Happy Monday! How was your weekend? Here in Minnesota our weekend weather  was a roller coaster ride🎢.  Rain🌧 followed by a snow storm❄️ and cold temperatures🥶 and ending with sunshine 🌞and day temperatures in the mid 30s. I took my kids sledding🛷 for literally 2 ½ hours. Did I mention that Bailey, our dog, joined in as well? In fact he came back to the car  well before the kiddos.. LOLOL


On we go with Monday Wisdom


Do you ever find yourself unsure how to juggle your schedule? Think about this statement by Earl Nightingale – “ No one can manage time, we can only manage our activities” This statement changed my life! Instead of racing against the clock I simply had to look at my daily activities. Talk about a paradigm shift. It is not about the minutes, it is about the mindset.


A successful life is lived One Activity/Experience at a time!

This is how a single day becomes a successful day. Focus on the daily activities more than the time slots. A successful life is nothing more than successful days put together. Everyday counts! Each day is  a building block of your life.  What you lay today, you build upon tomorrow.

Earl Nightingale said. “ I have ideas for you and If you act on them every day, they will change your life. In order to act on a new idea you have to be willing to get rid of an old one.  Often the old one will fight hard against the new. If you persist, the NEW will override the old.”


  • Tonight write out six things that need to get done in order of importance for tomorrow.
  • When you complete them simply check them off.
    • This will help you plan your day and keep you moving.
    • I suggest scheduling phone calls early in the morning or late afternoon.
    • If you have meetings make a list of things to discuss. (I do this for every meeting I attend)
    • Plan to have things with you that you can work on while waiting or during down time. (once i implemented this idea my daily productivity skyrocketed)
    • Get up an hour earlier. If you do that in a single year you would have added 9 40 hours weeks to your year.

Wisdom Quote🙏

Do you see a man who is good at his work? He will stand in front of kings. He will not stand in front of men who are not important. Proverbs 22:29

Have a beautiful week!

I am actually on Tik Tok come and check out some daily inspiration. https://www.tiktok.com/@purposewithpamela



Do you desire or dream about being a Published Author? I have partnered with a powerhouse leader Apostle Deborah Allen and together we are the Visionary Authors for a powerful book anthology Women of Power Ignited to Serve.  This is not just a book, it is a movement of women blazing a trail of greatness.  We need your story and experience in this book. It is YOUR Time!  💫 https://square.link/u/hQVdpCXA


This week my guests will be.🎬


Click here on my linktree to connect to each platform https://linktr.ee/Purposewithpamela


As always, Thank You for reading 👀 and for sharing❤

2022 The Year For You,


Dr. Pamela Henkel