Hey  Peeps,

Happy Easter Monday❣ How was your holiday weekend? We are in Florida at the beach and have had beautiful weather.

Our Grand enjoyed her Easter egg hunt at the beach ⛱️ 


Today let’s consider the power of making a Quality Decision.  This is a decision that a person does not go back on. Once the decision is made, bulldog faith keeps you moving forward. 

Once we make a quality decision it is only a matter of time before we see it manifest.🎉

Careful, Don’t Stumble.🙏

The greatest stumbling block to quality decision making is circumstances. 

  • I can’t because..
  • I can do it when…
  • I would like to but…

 Circumstances are real and they may cause a change in HOW something gets done. Circumstances should NOT stop you from making a quality decision. 


Did you know that Babe Ruth struck out 1330 times? No, we only hear about his 714 home runs.   🌟

  • People remember the Successes!

Don’t be scared of failing.. it only makes you stronger and more wise!💪🦉


Your life is SO important to many more people than you realize.  😇😇

As Les Brown says… “You have Greatness In You.”👑

Wisdom Quote

“Go as far as you can see.  When you get there you will see how you can go farther.”

Thomas Carlyle

One Step At A Time👠

click here for more information: https://youtu.be/rrPr3GdxfQY


You can find all the links here:  https://linktr.ee/Purposewithpamela 😁

As always, Thank You for reading 📚  and for sharing⚘

Thanking Heaven For You ,

