Dear Heavenly Father,
You are all that a daughter or son needs. You are kind. You are merciful. You demand respect, but protect and provide for us. You sacrifice for us, and even your Son was given to make up for our shortcomings and bridge the gap for humanity.
We may be confused sometimes, but You Father are never confused and have a plan for each of us. It is a plan of purpose and happiness. Not everyone is aware of it, but for those who are, we thank you.
With Your heavenly plan for our lives, we are able to learn and grow. We do make mistakes, but we also have amazing bounce back and are capable of surprising ourselves. For you have given each of us power that is required to fulfill the plans you have for us.
Thank you for your Son. With Him, Abba, you demonstrated how important we are to you . He gave everything so that we may be reunited with you. We must thank you as well.
As much as we tend to hate them in their present moments, we have learned that things are not happening to us but for us. That you will truly utilize it all for good in ourlives. It is absolutely amazing that we can always count on you when difficult times arise and know you will always make sure we make lemonade out of lifes lemons. The trials we experience truly develop gratitude within us for all the good that we have because of you. Also the joy of knowing you are here with us during the difficult times and we can grow closer to you not further away with adversity.
Thank you Heavenly Father for prayer. Without it, we would certainly be lost. You have given us prayer and meditation so that we can daily commune with you but also so we can talk with You when we feel lost. We know when we pray you are listening. If we wait for your response, You always have the answer we need.
We have Your Precious Wisdom with us all the time. Still we often take the word of God for granted. You are so patient with us and let us learn in our own way. You love us right where we are at, unconditionally. We are thankful for that. When we read Your Word, we can better understand your plan for us and feel the Spirit guiding us.
Heavenly Father, you have given us everything. You have given us life and breath and the ability to grow and become better. Thank You.
Happy Father’s Day Week.
We Love You Heavenly Father