Hey Peeps, Did you take some ME Time and focus on your water intake? How does it feel to be hydrated?
This week for my Annual Detox Time. I will update my morning and evening routines. Then commit to stick to them. I would love to have you follow along with me for week 3.
This Wellness Wednesday let’s begin a mini series called Mind Over Mattress. What does that even mean? LOL please allow me to explain. Your mornings and how you attend to them is the secret sauce for your entire day. For the next few weeks during the Daily Dose we are going to camp on this subject. Then the grand finale of this mini series will be you creating your own Morning Routine/Ritual.
What if you work evening hours or overnight. That is just fine. You get to decide when your “Morning” is . ☑️
Are you ready?? 😎
He shines on them like the morning light. He is like the sunshine on a morning without clouds. He is like rain that makes the new grass grow out of the earth through sunshine after rain.’ – 2 Samuel 23:4 NLV
I love watching the sunrise… But that’s not the reason that I get up at 5:00 am.🌅 This is the time that I have the treasure of investing in me. I’m a big believer in the 5 am club. I would even go so far and say that my morning routine has truly changed my life. Because, if you are willing to get up before everyone else in your neighborhood, your family or even the family dog (lol) to have a few hours just to yourself it is absolutely worth it! Even if you can sacrifice 10 minutes between the first cup of coffee and brushing your teeth you will not regret choosing to invest this time into yourself.👋
How we start out our day really does matter. It will influence how we show up for ourselves, our family, friends, and our life calling. Choosing to invest solitude time in prayer/meditation, study and even physical exercise will even influence how fast our dreams/goals come to fruition.
Every morning we can literally prepare ourselves for greatness. We can ready ourselves to respond more and react less. ❤️
Below is a sampling of my “Mind Over Mattress” morning routine.
Practice gratitude – no matter in which form, start every day by being thankful for the amazing life you have. Gratitude will put you in the frame of mind and heart for everything. You can not be crabby and grateful at the same time. ****If you only have 10 minutes and you have to choose, choose Gratitude 🙂
Prayer/Meditation – Now that you are in the right head and heart space you are ready for prayer and meditation.
Write in a journal – Y’all know I’m a big advocate for journaling. That is why The Design Your Life planner includes journal pages in it. (which is why it is part of the Daily Dose) . Here is another journal option for you… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QP2GWC2
Here is a journaling idea…
Following gratitude, write out your Life script — Describe your future or an aspect of it, as if it had already happened—of course end with gratitude 🙂
This is just a taste of the direction we are going in our mini series ‘Mind Over Mattress” I encourage you to play around with these ideas and make them your own.
Tell me, what is that ONE thing you can’t get started without in the morning? Hit reply and let me know.
Full Disclosure for me it is…Coffee – Mushroom Coffee