Hey Peeps,
Welcome back to Monday Wisdom. How was your weekend? We had a cold weekend. Flurries in the air and temperatures in the 30* F.
Happy November Continues! It is Thankfulness Month:) Let’s continue learning about Thankfulness and Gratitude.
First things first-
Do you get my 30-Day Gratitude Challenge? If you are, YAY! How is it going? If you are not, Click here to subscribe… https://mailchi.mp/purposewithpamela/purpose-with-pamela
Here is a Gratitude Bump For You
In a 2007 study that quickly became a classic, patients with hypertension who “counted their blessings” would lower their blood pressure than those who didn’t. In another study, women writing in a gratitude journal for two weeks also experienced lower blood pressure than women reporting on their daily activities. That’s right – one of the most significant benefits of gratitude is there for anyone who wants to keep a journal
Gratitude is a gift for yourself and your family and friends. How can you utilize this information and practice gratitude this week?
- Volunteer for organizations that help others.
- Don’t gossip or speak badly about anyone.
- Spend quality time with your kids or your lover.
- Remember to compliment your friends and family when they look good.
- Write a card to someone you haven’t seen in a while and tell them something nice.
- Add to your gratitude list daily, at least one more thing each day.
Here is a Throwback Gratitude Video for you
Wisdom Quote
Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough.”
—Oprah Winfrey
This week on WRITE NOW
Here are the places that the podcast will air…
Write Now International Radio Show: 2pm EST
On Demand on Podcast
Anchor https://anchor.fm/writenow01
Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcast, Breaker, Google Podcast, Pocket Cast, RadioPublic and Copy RSS
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHAocPHyqt009hSbARpA52g
If you are and Author and would like to be on WRITE NOW please go to https://purposewithpamela.as.me/WriteNow
Here are the places that the podcast will air…
Purpose By Design International Radio Show: 7pm EST
On Demand on Podcast and YouTube:
Anchor https://anchor.fm/purposewithpamela
Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcast, iHeart Radio, Breaker, Google Podcast, Pocket Cast, RadioPublic, Stitcher and Copy RSS
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHAocPHyqt009hSbARpA52g
If you would like to be a guest on PURPOSE BY DESIGN please go to https://purposewithpamela.as.me/PurposebyDesign
Join Dr. Pamela and Her Team of Queen in Las Vegas!!!
Register here: https://form.jotform.com/dnpdesigns/fa-la-la-las-vegas-event-reg
WRITERS: Join Dr. Pamela and fellow Visionary Dawn Lieck
Sign up now: https://form.jotform.com/dnpdesigns/bosses-with-purpose
As always, Thank You For Reading & Sharing:💞
2022 The Year For YOU.
Dr. Pamela 🙂