Hey Peeps, 

Welcome back to Monday Wisdom.  How was your weekend? Ours was full of sunshine and family fun☀️


The topic of “change” has been on my heart for a while.  Change can be very unsettling for many people. The truth is..we can not escape change. It is a part of daily life.  Day changes into night. The seasons change. We get older (yes.. lots of change there).  The list goes on. NEWS FLASH 📰📣 There are ways, hacks and tips to help us accept change in a positive way. 








📣 Change

For the past 4 weeks I have shared important things I have learned about change and how they relate to self development/discovery, building new habits and living a peaceful life. This week Monday Wisdom is Week 5 🗓-  our final week.


TIME to change your life

So many of us want to change: whether it’s building healthy habits, making time to read and learn, or just spending less time doing things we know we shouldn’t be doing. But change doesn’t just happen. Change requires choice and consistency. Consistency takes TIME. My father would always say “Time goes by no matter what, use it well”


Here is a fabulous resource from Jack Canfield



Wisdom Quote

You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change. – Les Brown



Here are the places that this Show will air…

Write Now International Radio Show: 2pm EST


On Demand on Podcast and YouTube

Anchor https://anchor.fm/writenow01

Which is a platform that pushes out to Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcast, Breaker, Google Podcast, Pocket Cast, RadioPublic and Copy RSS

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHAocPHyqt009hSbARpA52g


Here are the places that the Show will air…

Purpose By Design International Radio Show: 7pm EST


On Demand on Podcast and YouTube:

Anchor https://anchor.fm/purposewithpamela

Which is a platform that pushes out to Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcast, Breaker, Google Podcast, Pocket Cast, RadioPublic, Stitcher and Copy RSS

YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHAocPHyqt009hSbARpA52g


As always, Thank You for reading 📚  and for sharing❤


Your story and your voice matters!


Thanking Heaven For You ,



Dr. Pamela
