Hey Peeps,
Happy Monday! How was your weekend? We had a nice quiet weekend. Took the kiddos sledding and enjoyed family time by the fireplace. Our kiddos are very excited to enjoy a 3-day weekend. Presidents Day is Monday. What they don’t know… I am going to ask each of them to research a president and share what they have learned.
This Monday Wisdom I would like to dedicate to Activity Management. Many people are focused on managing their time, but this is not possible. We cannot manage our time. It is going to keep ticking away. We can manage what we do with our 24 hours a day. This is what I call Activity Management. As of January 1, 2022, we were all given 8760 hours or 525600 minutes. What will you do with all of that time? How will you manage your activities?
Time is the most important resource we have in life. My dad used to say, “Time passes either way so use it wisely.” It is the one thing we cannot make more of. Yet few people are satisfied with how their time is spent. ⏰
I would like to share the 5 Top Activity Management Tools that I Utilize.
- Decide✅
We often feel overwhelmed by our ‘to-do list’. In order to change that we must decide…. What activity is needed most. Every week I consider my monthly schedule and then decide what is on my list for the upcoming week. Then I decide what daily activities I need to manage for each day. I find this to be an easier way to Decide what is needed most.
- Sunday Review🧾
On Sundays I sit down with my calendar and journal to review. I review the past week and preview the week to come.
It is easy to cruise through life without examining the present and whether our actions are getting us closer to our goals. Reviewing and Previewing is an essential part of managing your activities and yourself.
- DEEP Work🚧
DEEP Work is a practice that helps you cultivate focus and uncover insights so that you can do your best work.
Our best work is done in 1-3 hour uninterrupted periods, called periods of Deep Work. Major breakthroughs in understanding or insight often come after 90 minutes or so.
Our attention ‘resets’ every time we get distracted or take outside input. Outside input includes checking email, messages, social media or watching videos. Activities like exercise, taking walks and water breaks are fine.
To achieve anything great, we must create an environment where we can habitually do Deep Work and avoid distractions.
So decide✅ right now when your DEEP work time will be for this week.🗓
- Energy Management ⚡
We all have limited energy and time in a day. Energy flows where intention goes. How we use our time and our state of mind determines the effectiveness of our work.
Action & Inaction
To grow and perform optimally, we need periods of action and inaction – periods of stress and recovery.
Stress is an activity that pushes us to our limits and tests us mentally, physically and emotionally. This could be working our job, running our company or navigating the demands of being a student.
Recovery is an activity that rejuvenates and renews us. It balances the impact of stress and allows us to use stress to grow rather than to decline
We must make time for recovery in our daily routine, otherwise ‘burn out’ or being overwhelmed is inevitable. Try to pair a period of stress with a period of recovery. Work as hard as you can. But ensure that you’re taking breaks to truly refresh your focus and energy, for both your mind and body.😇
- Reading For Purpose📚
Finding your purpose for reading something is as easy as asking: “Why am I reading this? What do I want to learn?” before you read.
That question primes the mind to look for information which is relevant to your purpose. Reading for purpose will increase understanding, gain clarity and bring about answers.
Here is a Pinterest Board I made for you with some awesome resources.
Wisdom Quote
The key is in not spending time, but in investing it.” — Stephen R. Covey
Have a beautiful week! I am on Tik Tok https://www.tiktok.com/@purposewithpamela come and check out some daily inspiration.
As always, Thank You for reading 👀 and for sharing❤
2022 The Year For You,
Dr. Pamela Henkel
Leader, Energizer, Philanthropist